Monday, May 21, 2012

Research topic - customary garments and symbolic garb

The Torero's Jacket

Note/Warning: If you research 'Matador' via Google, be prepared to come across images that will make you wince and wander why there is such a blood thirsty need to do what the Matadors do. I feel for the Bulls.

Nevertheless, in the context of customary garments and clothing - I am interested in the traditional costume worn by the Matador de Toros (Killer of Bulls). The jacket or 'Chaquetilla', while elaborately decorated, is intended to allow for ease of movement. What I find interesting about the Torero's whole costume is the contrast between the fine and the bloodthirsty. The jacket is heavily embellished and regal in appearance, yet the sport itself is violent and cruel. They must get bloodstained sometimes if not often, all that nice needlework tsk tsk tsk. However, leaving my unsubtle opinion on bullfights aside, I can't help but swoon over the Torero's traje de luces!

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